Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well, UNOFFICIALLY the preliminary report of the scan shows no "obvious signs of the cancer"!!!!!! YEAY!

The doctor said he will have to go over the scans in more detail to besure there is nothing there but nothing "OBVIOUS" was there! The cancer cells still could be there, just too small to be seen on the scan, which is why Shawn will finish out the 9 weeks of treatment. But given that there were large masses there before that aren't there anymore, we say this is potentially GREAT NEWS! Thank you God!!!!!

Thanks for all the prayers!
Blessings to all! Happy New Year!!

Scan Today....Pray for good news!

Heading to Hopkins this morning in this little shower of snow! We decided to take the kids with us so they can finally see the place daddy goes, and see that it isn't a big scary place. Also picking Kelly up at the airport. He is returning from Missouri visiting relatives.

Please pray today that the scan is clear of cancer and we get good news!
Dave and Dotti, for his last meal before the scan (no food after midnight) YOU OUT-DID YOURSELVES!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Tyler T., I saw your mom at Blockbuster and she told me about you wanting to light a candle for Coach Long at St. Mark's in New York! Very VERY nice of you! You are an awesome kid and I hope you never change!!

Will post again when we hear the news from the scan!
Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, December 28, 2009

God shows himself once again!

I sat down tonight to eat a quiet meal and read while the girls played, hoping to find something uplifting and light-hearted. I picked up one of my life long favorite authors, Erma Bombeck, because as a kid I remembered thumbing through them at my Aunt Marmie's house and it brings back such great memories. Kind of like a home-cooked meal, just makes you feel good inside.

Anyway, I remembered I had casually picked up one at my mother-in-laws used book store months ago and stuck it in my basket for a rainy day, not even really looking to see what it was about or even reading the title! So before dinner, I rummaged through my basket of books, filled my plate and sat down to enjoy my quite moment, when my heart nearly sank. I read the title and thought, I don't believe this! It really has to be God because the odds (if you believe in odds....which I will get into later) of it being a coincidence are just too scary~! The title...."I Want to Grow Hair, I Want To Grow Up, I Want to Go to Boise" about Children Surviving Cancer!!!

Now, I mustered up the courage to start reading it and in the first chapter I concluded that it definitely was God's plan for me to read this book. You see, with SHawn's next scan scheduled for Thursday to see if there is still any cancer left in his body, it has been heavy on our hearts. Shawn's definitely been such a strong fighter, but also I know it is very emotionally and physically exhausting for him too. We of course pray for the scan to be clear, but of course the thought of ...what always in the back of our minds.

In the first chapter of this book , I couldn't believe what I was reading. We both are not believers in "Odds" and "Statistics" It is what it is and that's that. You fight the hard fight regardless. In the book, she writes speaking of doctors " They usually say something like there are no such things as chances when you're talking about a child. It either works or it doesn't. There's no such thing as 50 percent or 60 percent or 20 percent. There's either 100 percent or zero. Naturally they're going for the 100 percent- not the zero." I like that. I kept reading.

Then it went on to talk about something we both are very strong believers of....positive attitude! "How important is it to the survival of a patient? I couldn't find anyone who would rank it right up there with chemotherapy......But a couple of doctors I talked with conceded that although it can't cure cancer, they see some pretty impressive results from being positive. The kids who flat out accept the disease on its terms don't seem to lose as much weight, miss as much school, and aren't in the hospital with infections in between treatments. Others who are severly depressed throw up more, lose more weight, don't eat well, and don't bounce back as quickly."

Attitude is contagious and, in a family can be crucial! I feel that we feed off each other's positive attitude. Our children have done extremely well with this situation because of our attitude, and we are doing well because of everyone else's positive attitude! It's amazing! I truely believe Shawn is doing so well because of it!

As Erma writes "Better to have a case of out-of-control optimism than to sentence the family to the Temple of Doom."

LOVE and POSITIVE Thoughts to all!

Romans 15:5 Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus;

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

To all our friends and family, We wish you a very Merry Healthy Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Jess and Shawn
Kelly, Ryan, Claire and Gracie

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let It Snow!!!!!

Hope this update finds everyone warm, dry and enjoying this snowy day! Yesterday was Shawn's final treatment for this year! YEAY! Uncle Jan took Shawn to JH for the lumbar puncture treatment for me and I am SO grateful! I don't know what we would do without him!
It's so hard on the kids when there are several treatments in a week so I try not to be away for more than I have to. Shawn had a really rough night on Wednesday after chemo, and Thursday too. Yesterday was a bit better, and today is even a little better than before. We are glad that he is done for the year and the only thing left is the PET and CAT scans on the 31st.
Thank you to all the C team football players that have sent messages of encouragement! We read them all and it really means alot to hear from you! You boys are a part of our family!!!!
Getting positive and uplifting messages are so important for him to stay positive and uplifted!!!
Right now he and Ryan are in the basement watching Lancaster Catholic hopefully win the state championship!!! GO ANDREW! GO KYLE!
If I don't post again, Merry Christmas everyone! We love you all! Hope to see you at church on Christmas Eve! 6:30!!!!!!

Luke 2:9-12
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. (10) And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. (11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (12) And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Half Way Point!!!

We have reached the milestone of the half-way-point in Shawn's chemo treatments! YEAY!

Today went well. The chemo went very quickly and we got finished much earlier than we expected so we got home around 5pm. Shawn' s feeling "like a glow stick" and tired but all is well. Tomorrow is the tricky part. We plan to head off the nausea first thing and start the preventative meds early in the morning. Hopefully that will help. It's going to be a rough couple of days dealing with the after affects of chemo and then the 2nd lumbar puncture treatment on Friday.

After Friday we are good until January. The next step is a CT and PET scan on Dec 31st to determine if the cancer is still there or not. Pray for the NOT please!!! If it's not there, he will continue chemo as planned and finish out the next 9 weeks of treatment. If it is there, they will intensify the chemo treatment which will be harsher and more frequent. Meaning it will be harder on Shawn too. So obviously we are praying that it's gone for all the reasons!!!!!!
We just want to take a minute to thank all of our friends and family for supporting us through this time and let you know how much you mean to us!
We are hoping everyone has a healthy and happy Christmas and Blessed New Year!
Jess and Shawn
"In the day that I called, you answered me. You encouraged me with strength in my soul."
Psalm 138:3

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Officially Ready for Christmas!!!!!

Good SaturdaY FAMILY AND FRIENDS! I am officially done Christmas shopping and ready for for Christmas! YEAY!

Yesterday's spinal treatment went well. Shawn didn't feel a thing again, and got a good nap. The worst part of the whole day was they were running late and we got stuck in rush our traffic coming home. But overall it went very well! Thank you for your prayers!

It is so hard for me to believe that after next week, we are half way through the treatment schedule!!! It feels like it's been forever, yet it feels like it's going very fast too. Our next treatments are Wed and Friday next week, then the PET scan on the 31st. Our new years eve wish is the scan comes back clear!!!

We are hoping that since all the treatments are crammed into this week and next, that by Christmas he will be feeling ok.

Right now we are dutifully trying to cram as many Christmas specials into our tv viewing as possible and baking lots of Christmas cookies.

It has been so wonderful receiving the Christmas cards from everyone! I had hoped to get ours out this year, but with everything going on I just didn't get to it. SO , to everyone who reads this, WE wish you all a healthy and peaceful Christmas and happy New Year! We love you!

Jess and Shawn

Matthew 22:37- Jesus said to him "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind."

Monday, December 7, 2009

18 days til Christmas

Hello family and friends,
There are only 18 more days until Christmas, and all is well in the Long household. The kids enjoyed the snow this weekend, and managed to go sledding without any injuries!

I started making my handmade Christmas ornaments, baking Christmas cookies that are disappearing as fast as they are made, and nearly finished with my shopping. My goal is to be done by the 11th so we will be able to focus on Shawn's treatments and recovery before the holidays. He is schedule for treatments on December 11, 16, 18, and a PET scan on the 31st.
So, my prayer request for this week is that treatments go well, the roads stay clear and we can enjoy the Christmas holiday together as a family celebrating the birth of Jesus!

Every year we go to a candle light service at our church and for some reason I am looking forward to it more this year than ever! It feels so powerful and emotional to be at church worshiping on the night before Christ was born! The services at Grace Church are 5pm, 6:30pm and 8pm. We will go at 6:30, if anyone cares to join us we would love to see you! Feel free to come as you are, some dress up, some come in jeans! All are welcome!

Shawn finally bit the bullet and shaved off what hair was left. He now looks like "Mr. Clean" minus the hoop earing of course! I seriously am considering that he keep the look!

This weekend was a great weekend for Shawn. Friday night he felt well enough to go enjoy a night of pizza and laughing with our close friends the Fucci's, Hirtzels and Borings. And he was feeling so good on Saturday that he took Ryan and his dad to a car show in Timonium. (Guess he can't get enough of that place!) It was great to see him excited about something he loves again! They had a great time. And it was so good for Ryan to get to do something normal with dad and Pappy.

Our main concern right now is keeping him healthy for his treatments this month. Germs are our worst enemy!

Hope everyone is doing well! WE ALL appreciate everything!

"Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which translated means "God with us."

Matthew 1:23

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sparkley day!

Hi everyone,

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving with only a few bumps. All is well and we have a quiet week of no apt. at Hopkins. Just wanted to thank all the football coaches AGAIN for the gift certificate to AM Jewelry in Lititz! I just picked up my replacement jewelry today and I LOVE THEM!!!!! SPARKLEY! Thanks to AM Jewelry! They are an amazing group of people that make you feel like part of the family. If you need a gift for a special person, I HIGHLY recommend you stop by their shop on the corner of Orange and Broad streets (50 S. Broad)!

If you don't know the story, the day after Shawn's liver biopsy the boys had a football game. The rules were that Shawn was allowed to go if he promised not to run onto the field (as he normally does). Well, being the head coach, and a bit head strong, I sat there and watched him run out on the field during a time-out. I jumped the fence, breaking my favorite bracelet, to yell at him for not listening. The amazing coaches of the C team midget football team all heard what happened, and chipped in and bought me a gift certificate to AM Jewelry.

SO, thank you all! You are all very special to us and we love you all very much!
And THANKS Kristy for coffee and chatting today! I SO NEEDED THAT!
LOVE YA SISTA! You are so special to me!

Denny, Rob and Greg, You are all forgiven for not being able to stop him! Greg, not even your gangsta costume would stop him!
