Saturday, January 30, 2010

2nd to last LP yesterday!

Yesterday was Shawn's 2nd to LAST LP at Johns Hopkins!!! It is amazing to think we....I mean HE is nearly done with this treatment!

The radiology dept. was running behind schedule so we waited about two hours to get it done, which didn't help with the "anticipation sickness". The longer he waited the more stressed and nervous he got. ESPECIALLY when as we were waiting, the patient that was in the room just before him started SCREAMING at the top of his lungs!YIKES!!

We both looked at each other in worry! The technician came out and I said "I hope that wasn't an LP in there!" laughing nervously praying he would say OH NO! But he replied "it wasn't a NORMAL LP" Well needless to say that really got Shawn's nerves in an uproar! Then Matt, the tech, came out To get Shawn, talked to him to calm him down and took him in the room.

As I was waiting in the waiting area, a few minutes into the proceedure, I hear them laughing and talking, then suddenly a loud booming voice that wasn't Shawn's yells "Oh My God!" I knew immediately that Matt and Shawn had devised a plan to try to fool me and make me worry! Well, I sat there laughing, and two other technicians came RUNNING around the corner nearly hysterical! I looked at them and said 'oh that's my husband playing a joke on me" and they didn't look happy at all and replied "well, we don't joke around here like that!"

Omgosh I was so embarrassed but it was definitely a good laugh!

He is feeling pretty wiped out this week but glad to be one step closer to the end! Looking forward to a long weekend with my family!

Have a great day and stay warm!

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart"

Psalm 37:4

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Long Day!!!

Hi everyone.

Today was the second to last chemo treatment for Shawn. I wish I could say it went smoothly, but it was the worst one yet. We found out that "anticipatory nausea" is a very real thing and he felt sick all morning before we got down to Hopkins for treatment. The nausea didn't go away and once treatment started quickly got worse. For the first time since he started treatments, he actually got sick during chemo. Thankfully the doctor quickly ordered a combo-coctail of meds to take care of it and he was feeling better by the time he was done.

It is SO good to think that now he has ONE more chemo, and two Lumbar Punctures left and then he will be done!

This Friday is his Lp, then we go back on 2/17 & 19 for the final two!!!

This has been such a long and Blessed journey for our family. We have grown spiritually and been amazed by many people who have stepped up to support us along the way! Some surprised us more than others!! It definitely makes you appreciate life in a way that is indescribable. I know that I will NEVER take what time I have with my family for granted ever again! Each and every day is precious!

Have a wonderful evening.


"I thank my God every time I remember you."
Philippians 1:3

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sprouting some hair!!!

Hello everyone!

Nothing really exciting going on here since the last report. Except SHawn is sprouting new BLONDE hair!!! It looks somewhat like Billy Idol! Kinda cool! He is doing well. Ready to get the last few treatments over with. THe not so good news, we recently found out that he has to go have some oral surgery done once chemo is finished. The surgeon said it's pretty bad. Evidently his jaw bone is failing where he had a crown done and it never healed properly. So, the excitement isn't over yet! I guess the good part of this is, we would have never known about the problem had he not had the PET scan done (the radiologist saw he was having trouble in the jaw and told us. They scan you from knee caps to eyeballs!)

The kids are so relieved to have good news about their dad! You could just see the relief in their faces and they were crazy wild the night we told them the scan report! It was great to see!

I have started to do a little side business of my own (like I have alot of free time! ha ha) and I painted my neighbors dining room for her. It's work, but very theraputic for me so it's all good. And it never hurts to have a little extra spending money!

I have to once again thank all the friends and family from WMF C team 2009!!!! You all have lifted my family up in prayers, and supported us with meals. I can't thank you enough for all you have done. It has been a TRUE Blessing and we are VERY grateful! This journey you have decided to help us through is nearly over and we couldn't have done as well as we have without your help! We are very excited that Shawn was elected as C team head coach again for 2010 and look forward to seeing you all out there again this year!

Hope everyone is having a good January so far!


"Well done, good an faithful servant!"
Matthew 25:21

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

After today- 2 and 2!

Today Shawn heads down to JH for his lumbar puncture treatment. His dad is taking him for me. THANK YOU DAD! Shawn's having a hard time with getting through the end of this, but I keep reminding him, "After this....2 more!!!! ONLY 2 more!"

I can't wait to say "ONe more, only one more!" and then....."LAST ONE THIS IS THE LAST ONE!"

We are so thankful for ALL the support we have received through out this long journey!
I really don't know how we could have made it through without you all!

I hope you know how special you all are!

PLease just pray that he doesn't get the terrible headaches from this treatment.

On a funny note, last night he was very very tired from a long week of trying to work and the normal cancer exhaustion. As Shawn was lying on the floor talking to one of our children about the new tooth fairy movie, he said "let's see if any of your teeth are loose so we can put it under the pillow and see if the Easter Bunny will come!" YOU KNOW HE IS TIRED WHEN.....!!!!! We were laughing hysterically!

Hope all is well with everyone!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dr. Swinnen couldn't stop smiling!

Today went well once we got there. A normally 1 1/2 hr drive took 2 1/2 hours, and then there was a delay because of our new insurance. But around 10:30am the treatment finally started.

We enjoyed the day together as much as possible. I brought us lunch at the local deli and it was delicious! Our dr, Dr. Swinnen, came by to talk to us about the scan report and how treatment was going and he couldn't stop smiling! He said that it was going very well! Thank you Jesus!

So, two more chemo and 3 more LP's and then in March Shawn gets his post treatment PET scan. If that is clear, then he will be checked every 4 months for 2 years, then every 6 months until 5 years. If he is still clear at 5 years, he will be considered cured!!!!

Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU Kristi and Greg!!! You guys are lifesavers!!!! After a long day of treatment and driving, it was wonderful to have your delicious meal there! Cooking is the last thing on my mind after a very long day! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU~!!!!!

Tomorrow, I get to give him his Neulasta shot and then next Tuesday is his next LP.

Tomorrow is recovery from today's treatment too. Keep prayin'!

Love to all,


Heading to Hopkins!!!

Good EARLY morning everyone!
Today we head to Hopkins for chemo! After today we are down to two chemo and three lumbar punctures!!!!! YEAY!!!!!!

Praying for safe travels this early snowy cold morning!
Hopefully we will have some more info on Shawn's future today too!

Take care all and stay warm! It 's cold out!!!
Love and Blessings,

Monday, January 4, 2010


Doctor's OFFICIAL report: "EXCELLENT response to chemotherapy. NEGATIVE for active lymphoma!"

PRAISE THE LORD! I cannot tell you how relieved I am. I am in tears right now just so full of joy with this news.

Again, thank you to everyone for the prayers! They were answered!!!!!! It really means so much to us to have the support, love and encouragement of you all! We truly love each and everyone of you!!!

9 more weeks of chemo, and then he should be good to go! Wednesday is his next chemo treatment.

Blessings for a great 2010!!!!!


"And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the Lord is his treasure."
Isaiah 33:6

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy 2010 Everyone! I have a feeling 2010 is going to be a GREAT year!!!!!